Small Shop Fundraising throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.
Many nonprofit organizations turn to grant writing consultants to assist with fundraising efforts. By hiring a professional grant writing, you can help your nonprofit organization save time, build organizational capacity, and better secure grant funding.
Prospect research
Grant calendars
Grant writing (Letter of intent, proposal, and report writing)
Creation of budgets, program plans, and other supporting documentation
Proposal editing
Grant coaching
Effective fundraising is all about building systems that appear seamless and are manageable. As a consultant, we can create solutions, recommend improvements that increase capacity, and strengthen your nonprofit’s fundraising position.
Fundraising analysis
Creation of a fundraising plan
Fundraising coaching
Major gift training
Individual donor prospect research
Annual giving strategy or facilitation
Direct mail strategy and creation
Board workshops on fundraising
Event strategy
Fundraising can only be successful when an effective strategic direction is in place and there is organizational investment. Strategy and facilitation services can help you fulfill your mission and help steward the gifts made to your nonprofit organization.
Strategic planning
Board development and trainings
Organizational assessments
Effective communication is the root of every nonprofit’s operations and efforts. Communication is the key to donor retention and vital to your success. An effective fundraising strategy can be lost without a strong communication strategy.
Case for support development
Content creation
Direct mail
Press relations
Strategy sessions
Crisis communication
Have questions? Contact me or schedule your consultation here.
Just like other nonprofit professionals, when I started working in the nonprofit sector, I quickly realized there is a lot to learn and not a lot of time to learn it.
This blog is designed to help small shop fundraisers make the most out of their limited time and resources. I am passionate about ensuring that small shop nonprofits, with all of their quirks, can grow their programs and raise more money!